Client Crash Report [#259283043]

Please describe what you were doing when the error occured:

Full critical error message, if available (including system info, message text and the history chain):

No Label

OS: Windows 10 (Version: 10.0; Build: 22621)
CPU: GenuineIntel @ 2996 MHz with 32581MB RAM
Video: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti (3168)

General protection fault!

History: TestReach <- UObject::GetFullName <- UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.GameEngine MouseDownSelectActor[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- TestReach <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- TArray<< <- UObject::SerializeRootSet <- UObject::CollectGarbage <- Cleanup <- UGameEngine::LoadMap <- LocalMapURL <- UGameEngine::Browse <- ClientTravel <- UGameEngine::Tick - CriticalSection <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop

Client version: