Describe the problem: Poison spores’ attack range is might be bugged. They attack from too far. Which might be not really fair for recruits’ mechanics.
What was the expected behavior?: Poison spores should have the same attack range as the other spores.
List the steps that occurred before the problem appeared:
Either the attack range is different for some monsters, or the desync started right after I came to the poison spores spot and ended right after I left it. Does feel like the desync always hits at proper time. I feel like some monsters do have different melee range. Poison spore vs fungus, BonBon vs Poring. I was farming zadoras sometimes (while I was resting from the Poison Spores farming), and I felt like they had a proper attack range.
No way that all monsters have the same range. Doesn’t feel like that at all.
Actually, the first time I noticed the 10m melee range was when I came to the poison spores. Dospores, for example, were okay, and I was farming them also for a decent amount of time.